港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

图为美国国会大厦(图片来源:Stefan Zaklin/Getty Images)



美国参议院少数党领袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)周四(8月29日)就发推警告北京:“如果安全部队镇压香港抗议者,中国共产党必须后果自负。”周五,他再次连发数条推文,谴责港府当天的逮捕行动。


港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

Chuck Schumer


China’s tightening grip around Hong Kong to strangle democracy is a desperate act of a brutal authoritarian regime. For months now, the people of Hong Kong have taken to the streets to stand up for their democratic rights. The American people must continue to stand with them.

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Chuck Schumer


Arresting dissenters is not a sign of strength—only weakness & fear. The Chinese Communist Party has broken its promise to the people of Hong Kong & has shown it does not respect fundamental human rights.

President Xi: the world is watching & will hold China accountable.

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Chuck Schumer


When the Senate returns, @SenateMajLdr McConnell should quickly bring up for debate & vote on the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act. This is bipartisan legislation that will send a clear message to President Xi.

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据美国之音报导,共和党参议员鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)今年6月提出的《香港人权与民主法案》要求美国国务院每年对香港的自治状态进行认证,从而决定是否维持香港目前所享有的特殊地位和待遇,并将制裁侵权官员。与此同时,法案还要求美国总统查明那些对绑架香港书商和记者负有责任的人以及其他有关卷入压制香港基本自由的人,冻结这些这些人的资产并禁止他们入境美国。”


众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)之前已宣布支持这项法案。

参议院多数党领袖麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)周五同样发推文说:“全球领导人应该关注香港正在进行的镇压和最近逮捕民主活动人士的(事件)。在北京尊重香港自治和政治自由之前,(国际社会)不应该像往常一样和香港打交道。”

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Leader McConnell


World leaders should pay attention to the ongoing crackdown and recent arrests of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. It should not be business as usual until Beijing respects Hong Kong’s autonomy and political freedoms.https://www.wsj.com/articles/arrest-of-hong-kong-activists-rally-ban-set-stage-for-more-clashes-11567163889 

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Arrest of Hong Kong Activists, Rally Ban Set Stage for More Clashes

As the city enters its 13th weekend of unrest, the political deadlock has no end in sight, with no concessions from local authorities to protester demands.


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港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

China Commission


The intimidation & arrests of pro-democracy voices now include LegCo members , , & . Repressive tactics violate the once high standards of the HK police & reminds the people why they vigorously oppose the extradition bill. https://twitter.com/HongKongFP/status/1167455441216884736 

Hong Kong Free Press


BREAKING: Hong Kong lawmakers Jeremy Tam and Au Nok-hin arrested, as police continue round-up of democrats #HongKong #China #hongkongprotests #antiELAB @holmeschan_ @loktinauhttps://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/08/30/breaking-hong-kong-lawmaker-au-nok-hin-arrested-police-continue-round-democrats/ 


6:03 AM – Aug 31, 2019
CECC主席、众议员麦戈文(Jim McGovern)周五发推文,谴责港府的逮捕行动令人愤慨,如果想让全世界都相信法治在香港受到尊重,必须立即撤销对黄之锋等人的指控。林郑月娥和香港警察不应该成为北京的傀儡。

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Rep. Jim McGovern


The arrests of @joshuawongcf, Agnes Chow & HK democracy leaders are outrageous & the charges must be dropped immediately if the world is to believe that the rule of law is respected in . & HK police should not be puppets for Beijing. https://twitter.com/hongkongfp/status/1167234987302670336 

Hong Kong Free Press


BREAKING: Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong arrested, party says #HongKong #China #hongkongprotests #antiELAB @joshuawongcf @demosisto @nathanlawkchttps://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/08/30/breaking-hong-kong-activist-joshua-wong-arrested-party-says/ 

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House Foreign Affairs GOP


The Chinese Communist Party is tightening their authoritarian grip on Hong Kong- rounding up democratic figures, denying the right to assemble, and forbidding progress towards solution. Their paranoia and cruelty increases risk of tragedy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/student-leader-joshua-wong-arrested-in-hong-kong/2019/08/29/9d35e1fc-ca98-11e9-9615-8f1a32962e04_story.html 

港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

Hong Kong intensifies crackdowns with arrests of pro-democracy leaders

Officials in Hong Kong and Beijing appear increasingly frustrated by the resilience of the protests.


众议院外交委员会共和党首席议员麦考尔(Michael McCaul)转发上述推文表示,自由世界必须与香港人团结一致,因为香港人在和平地维护他们的政治自由。

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Michael McCaul


The free world must stand unified with the people of Hong Kong as they peacefully stand-up for their political freedoms. https://twitter.com/houseforeigngop/status/1167470599557570561 

House Foreign Affairs GOP


The Chinese Communist Party is tightening their authoritarian grip on Hong Kong- rounding up democratic figures, denying the right to assemble, and forbidding progress towards solution. Their paranoia and cruelty increases risk of tragedy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/student-leader-joshua-wong-arrested-in-hong-kong/2019/08/29/9d35e1fc-ca98-11e9-9615-8f1a32962e04_story.html 

美国之音报导称,参议院外交委员会首席议员梅南德兹(Robert Menendez)周五接受微软国家广播公司(MSNBC)采访时,呼吁美国政府采取行动。他在一份声明中表示,计划将在国会复会后优先推动《香港人权与民主法案》,重申美国对香港民主、人权和法治的承诺。

参议院外委会亚太小组主席贾德纳(Cory Gardner)周五也推文表示:“美国与香港人民站在一起,反对压制支持民主声音的行为。我促请香港当局保证所有香港人的基本自由,停止对抗议者的暴力行为,并进一步进行认真对话。”

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Cory Gardner


The US stands with the people of Hong Kong & against the silencing of pro-democratic voices. I urge HK authorities to guarantee the basic freedoms of all Hong Kongers, cease violence against protestors & engage in earnest dialogue about the path forward.https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-30/hong-kong-activist-joshua-wong-detained-amid-unrest?cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_medium=social&utm_content=business&utm_source=twitter 

港府抓人 美参院领袖警告北京:全世界都在看(图)

Hong Kong Police Warn of More Arrests After Sweep of Activists

Hong Kong police arrested prominent opposition figures including Joshua Wong — and warned other protesters could share their fate at illegal demonstrations this weekend — raising tensions as…



4:29 AM – Aug 31, 2019
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